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People often have certain thoughts going on in their heads when they see our family of 8 or hear that we have 6 children (no, no twins, thank you very much!). Then when they find out that we homeschool, have no maid and that dh is in fulltime ministry, their eyes grow bigger and they start thinking that we must be from some other planet 🙂

So I thought I should address these common myths people tend to have of us, just because we have many children and homeschool and have no live-in maid. In other words, being totally un-Singaporean 🙂

To cover them all in one posting would make for a long and dreary reading 🙂 So I thought I should come up with the top 10 common myths people associate with us and tear them down, point-by-point!

  1. I am a Superwoman
  2. We are very spiritual
  3. I am a very patient
  4. I am a disciplined/organised person
  5. I don’t ever shout at the children
  6. We must be very rich
  7. Our meals are always balanced and healthy
  8. The children never fight with each other
  9. Our homeschooled children are geniuses
  10. Homeschooling goes on perfectly everyday
  11. Myths : Conclusion

If you have more beliefs about us that are not listed here, feel free to add them to the list. Dh says I should write a book! 🙂

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