Month: November 2016

Say To Archippus Books for sale

Say to Archippus – for Mothers???

Say to Archippus is a book with a message for the saints to wake up from our slumber, align with the Lord and perform our assignments He has tasked us to do. Yes, this book is for mothers too! We also must be awakened, aligned and assigned so that we are fulfilling our assignment from the Lord.  Read more…

Be intentional about setting up margins to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Setting Up Margins to Beat the Overwhelm

Do you have margins in your life? Or is your life and schedule packed to the brim? No, margins are not the same as the famous ME TIME that mothers love to talk about. I am talking about making margins, space, in your life so that you are not slotting every hour you have with […] Read more…

Feeling overwhelmed? Set up systems to beat the overwhelm.

Setting up systems to beat the overwhelm

In the previous post, Setting up ROUTINES to beat the overwhelm, I shared how setting up basic routines and then honing it with a morning and evening routine can help beat the overwhelm. In this post, I will be sharing how setting up certain systems has helped me feel less overwhelmed. How does setting up […] Read more…