Month: September 2018

Dealing with feeling unappreciated by doing these 2 things.

Feeling Unappreciated?

Feeling unappreciated or maybe just under-appreciated lately for the work you do around the house? It certainly is no fun to be stuck in this mode. It makes everything gloomy. Feeling unappreciated must be the twin sister of feeling guilty that we are not enough. But wait, just who are you doing what you are doing for? And why are you doing it anyway? Do you know?  Read more…

Need an Alignment Check so that you know what God is calling you to?

What Is God Calling You To? Need an Alignment Check?

Have you asked, “Should I stay at home or should I go out and work?” Mama, that is the wrong question to ask. Ask instead, “What is God calling me to? And can I fulfil it better as a stay at home mother or as a work out of home mother? But do you know what Is God calling you to? Do you know what your assignment from the Lord is? Are you fulfilling it? Read more…

Scan, Skim, and Jump Around. This is not the way to read your Bible.

Scan, Skim, and Jump Around

The use of the internet has trained us to scan, skim and jump around when we encounter written material. So, are we also scanning, skimming, and jumping around when reading the Bible? Do we also prefer to have someone else summarise Bible passages for us? Because some parts of the Bible ARE hard to understand and we want easy. Read more…