Month: October 2018

Write 31 Days Challenge 2018: Week FOUR

Seeing God in the Everyday is my Write 31 Days Challenge 2018 theme. For Week FOUR, I cover the things we are grateful and thankful for. Such as vitamins, peanut pancakes, simple date nights, maths & science tuition. vacuuming, vegetables, and Abeka Academy. And in the process, you get a glimpse of our lives too. Read more…

Write 31 Day Challenge 2018: Week THREE

Seeing God in the Everyday is my Write 31 Days Challenge 2018 theme. In Week THREE, I cover these things we are grateful and thankful for. Such as Popular Bookstore, our butchers, Eagle Eye Centre, IRL and online community, sibling love. Bishan Park, and grocery lists. And in the process, you get a glimpse of our lives too. Read more…

31 Days of Seeing God Week Two

Write 31 Day Challenge 2018: Week TWO

Seeing God in the Everyday is my Write 31 Days Challenge 2018 theme. For Week TWO, I cover the things we are grateful and thankful for. Such as the library, our vegetable seller, ActiveSG, ironing, work of the ministry, self-checkouts, and ballet rehearsals. And in the process, you get a glimpse of our lives too. Read more…

Seeing God in the Everyday

Write 31 Day Challenge 2018: Week ONE

Seeing God in the Everyday is my Write 31 Days Challenge 2018 theme. For Week One, I cover the things we are grateful and thankful for. Such as tuition, grocery shopping, swimming, laundry. board games, ballet, and God. And in the process, you get a glimpse of our lives too. Read more…