Month: December 2018

Goal Setting needs to start with God. Don't just ask God to bless your plans. Start with Him.

Goal Setting

As we head towards 31st December, many are talking about reviewing the year that is winding down and setting goals to prepare for the year ahead. Are you caught up in it, too? Goals are good because we all know that if we do not aim for anything, we will hit it every time. But what should our goals be? As you sit and write out your goals, do not forget this important piece of your goal setting plan.  Read more…

Trust God and Embrace Change. There is no need to fear change but He is in control.

Trust God and Embrace Change

Change. Something inevitable and yet almost always dreaded. A lot of times we resist change because of the fear of the unknown and, dare I say it?… laziness! Coz we hate to have to learn something new – right? But we need to embrace change since it is inevitable as long as we are living this side of Heaven. But how? Read more…