Month: March 2019

My 4 Nevers Board

My 4 Nevers

My 4 Nevers is part of a 5-part series of my testimony of how God changed my perspective and mindset on four of the things I used to say I would never do or be. Through it, I hope you’ll see that God’s plans for us are not only good but bigger than what we can ever imagine. And I think it will also help to explain why I do what I do today. Read more…

Parent in Faith Not Fear

Parent In Faith Not Fear

How can we parent in faith not fear when the world seems bent on attacking our children? The evil one is very busy and seems to be on a roll these days, aided by the world wide web, trying to get our children every which way he can. And because it gets really overwhelming, it is really easy to slip into parenting from fear and not faith. How can we not do that?  Read more…

Teach them to say "thank you" regardless if the help given was helpful or not.

“Thank You”

“Thank You!” Two words that can make or break one’s day. But so rarely heard or expressed these days. Why is this so? Is this simple act of courtesy no longer taught at home or at school? Moms, let us make it a point to teach our children to express gratitude to all who render acts of service to us, paid or not. And let us not just pay lip service but model it for our children as well.  Read more…