Month: May 2019

Don't be complacent especially at the poolside.

Don’t Be Complacent

2 deaths from near-drowning. 2 deaths that could have been avoided. When you care for young children, “don’t be complacent” should be our mantra. It is a grave reminder that we cannot lapse into complacency especially when young children are under our care. Be it at the pool or the playground. Or even at home. Accidents can and do happen anywhere.  Read more…

Children are Gifts From God

Gifts From God

God calls children a heritage and a reward. Children are gifts from God. But, do we agree with God’s view of children? Do we truly SEE them as gifts and rewards? Not just SAY that they are. Because words are cheap. When you see children as God does, how you mother your children will change. Read more…

I am just going to pray. Learning to trust God.

I Am Just Going to Pray

“I am just going to pray.” I am slowly but surely learning to say this and do this when faced with stressful situations. But it isn’t an easy lesson to learn at all. Worry is my default mode. But if I want the God of Peace to be with me. I need to do this. Read more…