Month: July 2019

Not Methods or Methodologies But Only God

Methods and Methodologies Leave Out God

We are always looking for methods and methodologies to help us win in Life. Especially if the methods are quick-win types, preferably with a lifetime guarantee thrown in. But when we rely on a formula, we leave God out of the picture. God will not be reduced to a method or a formula. He is much greater than that. Let me invite you to trust Him instead.  Read more…

Tips on how to conquer the laundry

Conquer the Laundry

Do you have laundry under control? Or do you have what is often affectionately called Mount Washmore in your home? Thankfully though, laundry is something that has been manageable in our large family. Yes, I have learnt how to conquer the laundry monster. Let me share what has helped me. Read more…