Month: September 2020

Are you struggling to spend Quiet Time with the Lord? These practical tips can help you.

Quiet Time For Busy Moms

Let’s talk about Quiet Time for Busy Moms. No, I am not referring to times when we finally get some peace and quiet, or Me Time. I am referring to the time we spend with the Lord, praying and journaling, listening to His voice. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they […] Read more…

3 Ways to Simplify our Morning Routine

3 Ways to Simplify Our Morning Routine

A great morning routine helps us to start off our day on the right foot. However, in our zeal to start right, we often overcomplicate matters. Allow me to share 3 ways to simplify your morning routine so that you can start your day well. Read more…

Teaching Our Children To Read

Teaching Our Children to Read

Teaching our children to read has been very gratifying. We started out using no curriculum, then used Christ-Centered Curriculum, Explode the Code and the Funnix Reading Programme, supplemented with simple readers.  Read more…