Month: January 2021

Ironing is a Mundane Chore

Mundane Chores Are Good For Us

While I am sure we can all agree that the mundanity of daily chores is sheer drudgery – defined as hard, boring work – how many of us will realise that they are good for us because how we deal with them reveals our character? Read more…

Before you decide to proceed with something or to stop doing something, start with your why. Why are you doing or not doing what you are doing?

Start With Your Why

Start with your why. Do you know why you are doing what you do? To stay the course, you need to know your WHY. Because all of us will falter along the way. And when we are shaken, discouraged, challenged, put down, we need to be able to go back to our WHY, remember WHY we are doing what we are doing and press on. Not give up.  Read more…