A great morning routine helps us to start off our day on the right foot. However, in our zeal to start right, we often overcomplicate matters. Allow me to share 3 ways to simplify your morning routine so that you can start your day well. Read more…

Encouragement and Support for Christian Stay-at-Home Mothers
A great morning routine helps us to start off our day on the right foot. However, in our zeal to start right, we often overcomplicate matters. Allow me to share 3 ways to simplify your morning routine so that you can start your day well. Read more…
Teaching our children to read has been very gratifying. We started out using no curriculum, then used Christ-Centered Curriculum, Explode the Code and the Funnix Reading Programme, supplemented with simple readers. Read more…
391 unread emails! Woah! While I am not aiming for a perfect inbox zero, I am intentionally decluttering emails this month. Newsletter subscriptions that no longer serve me this season are getting deleted furiously. How is your inbox doing? Is it time for you to do an email declutter? I have some tips on how to do so. Read more…
I envy people who find cooking and/or baking therapeutic. Instead, I see cooking as a necessary evil . We have to eat, thus I cook since I can’t keep ordering in. Read more…
Like it or not, our children imitate us. They copy what we say and do, which then begs the question: what kind of examples are we to them? Should they be imitating us? Read more…
Are we serving with joy and gladness in our homes? As in, are we glad to be at home serving our family with joy and gladness? Or do we wish we were back in the workforce? Read more…
What do you do when you are feeling overwhelmed? I remember Oswald Chambers’ principle to “Trust God and do the next thing”. But what is the next thing? Read more…
What lessons can we take away from the miracle of Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish for our mothering assignment? Read more…
Our minds determine what we say and do. Therefore, it is important that we guard our minds. And we guard it by watching what we let in and what we feed it via what we read, watch or even listen to. Read more…
Having bedtime routines for moms seems laughable. Only babies and children need bedtime routines, right? But I have come to realise that having a consistent bedtime routine helps me unwind and fall asleep easier and faster. Read more…