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We MUST remember that serving God is not just in outside ministry, in Church, as a missionary. Feeding the children, caring for them. serving them IS ministry. Just not what the world (and sometimes the Church, sadly) teaches, that’s all 🙂
I quote to you Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for is Highest, October 21 :
It is ingrained in us that we have to do exceptional things for God – but we do not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things of life, and holy on the ordinary streets, among ordinary people – and this is not learned in 5 minutes.

We are always looking for some big thing to serve in but the ordinary service we render to our families is often overlooked as a ministry in itself. How are we serving our husbands, our children? How are we witnessing to them so that they know Jesus? Are we discipling them so that they are changed more and more into the likeness of our Lord? How can we be a witness to the world when our family is falling apart, our children running amok and our relationship with our husbands strained?

You see, serving our families actually requires MORE dying to self and MORE taking up our crosses daily. And because they see us with all our faults it is even easier to tell them no one is perfect or righteous and that we all need a Saviour.

However, doing this day in and day out with no word of thanks and a society’s sneer is not easy. But if we would only do it cheerfully and diligently as unto the Lord, we will be slowly but surely changed into the image of Jesus Christ, our Lord who gave up his position as God to come and die for us.

Everyone loves to be in ministry when being in ministry usually means being out of the house, sans children, preferably. And it also usually means we get a lot more gratitude for our service than changing the 3rd diaper in an hour or cleaning up the mess that the little one has created before you’ve had your cup of coffee.

When will we start looking at serving our family as a ministry unto the Lord? And when the Lord calls upon you to serve in this ministry will you answer His call?

Sharing is caring, please pass this along!

3 Comments on A Ministry as Unto the Lord

  1. Yes, I get sneered at indirectly 2 weeks ago for what I’ m doing at home is worthless, the feeling is definitely lousy 🙁 .. Was so glad to read what you wrote about this topic. Again, your sharing is so so timely and true about God’s re assurance. I have to continue to focus on God’s calling and my ministry at home:) I thank the Lord for you and pastor Henson’s testimony. *HUGS*

  2. Is breastfeeding considered a ministry? 😛
    I’m getting the “but your baby is over 6 mths old …” when I decline to travel for work because I’m still breastfeeding. And the “Har….?!” when people ask me how old she is and I say 9mths and still bf-ing.
    … I really hope to breastfeed til DD self-weans.

    • Lol Wei Wei – but of course bf is a ministry! We are ministering to our babies’ physical and mental health 🙂

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