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Our God-led homebirth

It has been almost 13 months since we had our unassisted, God-led homebirth in our master bedroom. But I have found out that there are people out there who are not pleased about it. They prefer to see the Thorns Instead of the Roses. I was taken to task for sharing our God-led homebirth story because it can influence people to have an unassisted birth without any preparation.

Setting the facts straight

So I thought I should set certain facts straight.

I have had 7 supernatural childbirths, all by the grace of God, 6 totally pain-free. The first was pain-free until we started putting our trust in man, not God. That led to the doctor breaking my waterbag and inserting a drip 🙁 But I give thanks that BECAUSE of that experience I read up a lot more and learnt that birth didn’t have to be that way.

Although the 6 births were totally pain-free, it was only with the last 3 that I understood and experienced childbirth as it was designed to be.

Purpose of sharing birth stories

I share my birth stories to give glory to God and not to me. I glory in His perfect design of the human body: to grow and birth a baby. And how He has redeemed us from the curse of a painful and miserable birth experience. If, after reading the stories, it should bless you and inspire you to read and find out more about the birth process. instead of accepting what man tells us it should be – highly dangerous and most painful – I would be most glad. And if it should lead to you to experience a pain-free birth, courtesy of the work of the Cross (and not the epidural 🙂 ) then I rejoice even more!

Not an impulsive decision

Specifically for our 7th birth, I had gotten my supplies ready and I had done months of reading and speaking with friends who have had their own homebirths because I thought our 7th birth would be very fast. Our 6th birth was so fast that I birthed her as I was pushed into the lobby of the hospital! I most certainly did not want to be caught unprepared. Do read the following posts regarding the birth to get a complete picture of our God-led homebirth :

It most certainly wasn’t a spur of the moment decision and it most certainly wasn’t a decision motivated by financial reasons. We believe strongly that as the Lord blesses, He will provide. In fact, this homebirth had cost us more in monetary terms than if we had birthed in the hospital.

Do your own research

If you do choose to birth unassisted, please do your own research and reading.  Don’t do it just because you read that I or some other moms did it. And definitely, do not have an unassisted birth because you don’t have the finances to go to the hospital. To put it bluntly – if you can’t trust God to provide the finances, how can you trust Him to lead you in the birth?

Seek the Lord

Read up and be prepared.Some questions to ask : Do you know what to do if something out of the norm happens? Are you totally prepared for all consequences of doing it unassisted? What does your husband say about it? Seek the Lord before you make a decision. He may be speaking through your husband.

Give glory to God

In all things, we want to give glory to God, not to man. Therefore, we must be careful not to tarnish the Lord’s name by our foolish actions. We want to be led by faith, not fear. We have to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

May God bless your decision!


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