Many in the internet world is advising us to pivot not panic, or to pivot and pause in this season of upheaval. But what if we are not to pivot but to press on and maybe even dig deeper instead? Read more…

Encouragement and Support for Christian Stay-at-Home Mothers
Many in the internet world is advising us to pivot not panic, or to pivot and pause in this season of upheaval. But what if we are not to pivot but to press on and maybe even dig deeper instead? Read more…
Everyone hopes that the new year will be better than the last. But few of us actually prepare for it to be so. We tend to just let the year happen and then gape in surprise when that year comes to a close. So here are some concrete steps we could all take to live a more intentional life. Because, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry says, “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” Read more…
Like everyone else, she found the 2019 PSLE Maths paper challenging and was stumped. However, by the grace of God, she did not panic but instead remembered to pray. And God graciously answered her prayers. And she “suddenly” knew how to solve the problem sums which a moment ago had stumped her. All praise and glory to God! Read more…
We are always looking for methods and methodologies to help us win in Life. Especially if the methods are quick-win types, preferably with a lifetime guarantee thrown in. But when we rely on a formula, we leave God out of the picture. God will not be reduced to a method or a formula. He is much greater than that. Let me invite you to trust Him instead. Read more…
Gone is gone. Death’s finality often makes me think. This time around, I am thinking… have I prepared my children adequately for Life? Have I taught them not just life skills but how to live a life that glorifies God? And also, how ready am I to meet my Maker? Have I been faithfully fulfilling my assignment in the Lord? Read more…
God calls children a heritage and a reward. Children are gifts from God. But, do we agree with God’s view of children? Do we truly SEE them as gifts and rewards? Not just SAY that they are. Because words are cheap. When you see children as God does, how you mother your children will change. Read more…
“I am just going to pray.” I am slowly but surely learning to say this and do this when faced with stressful situations. But it isn’t an easy lesson to learn at all. Worry is my default mode. But if I want the God of Peace to be with me. I need to do this. Read more…
21 Years Old! We now have an adult child in our house. Woah! Trusting God rises to another level when you have adult children. Learning to bite my tongue and back off is another on-going lesson one learns when we have adult children. But God is so good. Read more…
I said I would never be a Christian. But I have been one since 1994. What happened? Was it because of the Catholic school I went to or did I convert because I married a Christian man? NO. Then how did I end up accepting that Jesus is the ONLY way to God the Father? Why is an educated person following a religion that claims resurrection power? Read more…
I never wanted to have any children. But God has a sense of humour as you would have found out as you read through the other parts of this series. For someone who did not want any children, He gave seven. But God changed both our minds and hearts. Drastically. How? Read more…