A great morning routine helps us to start off our day on the right foot. However, in our zeal to start right, we often overcomplicate matters. Allow me to share 3 ways to simplify your morning routine so that you can start your day well. Read more…

Encouragement and Support for Christian Stay-at-Home Mothers
A great morning routine helps us to start off our day on the right foot. However, in our zeal to start right, we often overcomplicate matters. Allow me to share 3 ways to simplify your morning routine so that you can start your day well. Read more…
Are we serving with joy and gladness in our homes? As in, are we glad to be at home serving our family with joy and gladness? Or do we wish we were back in the workforce? Read more…
Having bedtime routines for moms seems laughable. Only babies and children need bedtime routines, right? But I have come to realise that having a consistent bedtime routine helps me unwind and fall asleep easier and faster. Read more…
Let us be reminded this Mother’s Day: do not underestimate the immense influence (and power even!) we have as mothers, over our children. Whether we are full-time stay at home mothers or working mothers, our choices, our behaviour and our values, all influence and affect our children. Even when we are unaware of it. Read more…
Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day. All these special days in our calendar. Whether we celebrate it or not, all mothers like to be appreciated and it IS nice to be publicly acknowledged on a day like Mother’s Day. But with a caveat: if you have children old enough to celebrate you or a very hands-on […] Read more…
Fewer interruptions but no less busy. Instead, different seasons of motherhood see us exchanging one kind of busy for another kind of busy. And so, I am reminding myself to enjoy each season as it comes and to live in the present instead of reminiscing about the past season or hoping for a better (easier?) future. Read more…
2 deaths from near-drowning. 2 deaths that could have been avoided. When you care for young children, “don’t be complacent” should be our mantra. It is a grave reminder that we cannot lapse into complacency especially when young children are under our care. Be it at the pool or the playground. Or even at home. Accidents can and do happen anywhere. Read more…
Gone is gone. Death’s finality often makes me think. This time around, I am thinking… have I prepared my children adequately for Life? Have I taught them not just life skills but how to live a life that glorifies God? And also, how ready am I to meet my Maker? Have I been faithfully fulfilling my assignment in the Lord? Read more…
God calls children a heritage and a reward. Children are gifts from God. But, do we agree with God’s view of children? Do we truly SEE them as gifts and rewards? Not just SAY that they are. Because words are cheap. When you see children as God does, how you mother your children will change. Read more…
21 Years Old! We now have an adult child in our house. Woah! Trusting God rises to another level when you have adult children. Learning to bite my tongue and back off is another on-going lesson one learns when we have adult children. But God is so good. Read more…