
Encouraging Sibling Closeness

We often hear about sibling rivalry and how to prevent it. But we almost never hear of sibling closeness and how to encourage it. It is as though preventing rivalry will cause the siblings to be close with another. Oh this is so not true! I am testimony of it. I don’t have any sibling […] Read more…

Lively and Active or Just Plain Naughty?

Have you heard the one that goes, “Oh my child is not naughty. He’s just a very active boy who’s very curious about the world.” All this said with pride in the voice Meanwhile, this wonderful child is jumping on your brand new sofa and trying to hit your child next to him with a […] Read more…

Reasoning with children. Are they matured enough to be reasoned with?

Using Reasoning vs Physical Punishment

Reasoning with children is only one of the many tools available to discipline our children but it needs to be used when a child has showed maturity. We do not reason with a 2 year old. We do not even reason with a 10 year old if she does not display the maturity.  Read more…

I Need To Stop Shouting

Do you shout in your home? I don’t mean the shouting that happens when someone is going to fall off the sofa or spill soup on freshly cleaned floor. I mean the shouting that happens when disobedient children come into the picture.In our house, we do. Or rather, I do. Why does it happen? This […] Read more…

Discipline child with the rod or time out?

The Rod? Time Out?

If applied correctly and consistently, spanking should stop by the time the child turns 8. As he/she grows in maturity and show responsible behaviour, other methods of disciplining must be used. Otherwise, it can damage the relationship between parent and child. Read more…

Are They All Yours???

I think anyone who has more than the common 2 children family, anywhere in the industrialised, developed world will get stares. And here in Singapore, where the birth rate is a dismal 1.24 per home, having 5 children, 8 & under, invites many jaw dropping, sometimes very rude stares. We often get the “Are they […] Read more…

The necessity of quiet time to refresh my tired spirit.

The Necessity of Quiet Time

I have learnt the hard way that indeed, the busier I am, the greater the necessity of quiet time with the Lord. I have found that when I do that, my perspective on things changes. Sometimes immediately but usually slowly. Looking after many young children is tiring and draining. Spending time with the Lord gives me the strength to press on and not give up.  Read more…

What About ME Time?

What about my needs? I can’t be giving all the time, right? Everyone says I need to take care of myself. Mummy needs to be happy! I think this issue of me time is best handled by Teri Maxwell in her 5-part column found on the website. The direct links to the articles are […] Read more…

Does being a stay at home mother make you a brain dead mom?

SAHM = Brain Dead Mom?!

Are you a brain dead mom if you choose to be a stay at home mother? A friend asked me this question recently. Really?! Sure my brains don’t work the same way it did when I was working. But now I am in-charge of eternal souls. I am in-charge of training and guiding little arrows for the Kingdom of God! I like this job much better! Read more…

Why I Chose To Stay Home

I chose to stay home because I believe that children are gifts from God, that no one can love them like I do and to influence them for His Kingdom. In the end, I stand accountable to God for how I have done MY part in raising the children. Not for their choices but for MY part.  Read more…

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