Pregnancy and Labour

Supernatural childbirth is stumbling?!

So, over lunch one day, we were told that our sharing of my supernatural childbirths was stumbling?!?! Seriously???!!! How?!?!?!? How is giving glory to God stumbling??? I still cannot get over it. Experiencing God In Pregnancy Talks When we shared Experiencing God in Pregnancy, the sharing was meant to encourage mothers-to-be not to accept that […] Read more…


In this blog I have written much about pregnancy and labour and all that goes with it. But I have yet to touch on miscarriage. Something that almost never gets talked about. Taboo topic? Is it because we live in an Asian culture where death is taboo to discuss? Or is it because most of […] Read more…

Seeing the Thorns Instead of the Roses

When I had Anna in our master bedroom almost 13months ago and shared her Spirit-led birth story on my blog, I was so grateful that God was in the whole situation. From the pregnancy to the birth, He was there. Yet I was told that I have been irresponsibly influencing multitudes of people into birthing unassisted […] Read more…

An Unassisted but God-led Homebirth

It has been almost 13 months since we had our unassisted, God-led homebirth in our master bedroom. But I have found out that there are people out there who are not pleased about it. They prefer to see the Thorns Instead of the Roses. I was taken to task for sharing our God-led homebirth story because […] Read more…

Birth Story #7

Home birthing in Singapore. I never thought I would do it and yet, I did it, by the grace of God. Here is the birth story of our unplanned home birth, right here in Singapore. Truly, the labour and birth of our 7th child brought a new meaning to me on depending on God for […] Read more…

Yes! He Deserves A Medal!

After hearing about our latest labour and birth story, many friends are gushing about how calm and/or brave Henson has been. One said that “He deserves a medal” and another said, he should be named “Hubby of the Year”. 🙂 And I, of course, agree! 🙂 If you had read his post on the Birth, […] Read more…

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