Sometime last year (2023), we received notification that our block has been slated for the HDB Home Improvement Programme (HIP). A model of what would be done in our flats would be set up at our void deck for us to view and then we would have to vote by the end of the year. […] Read more…
Home Management

A Planner Is A Tool, Not A Magic Wand
While a beautiful planner can motivate you to keep doing what you are doing, remember that it is only a tool to help us in our assignments as mothers. We still have to do the work. It is not a magic wand that we can wave around and voila! meals are cooked, the house is cleaned and homeschool is done. If only! So what kind of planner should we get to help us be more productive? Read more…

Inbox Zero? Decluttering Emails
391 unread emails! Woah! While I am not aiming for a perfect inbox zero, I am intentionally decluttering emails this month. Newsletter subscriptions that no longer serve me this season are getting deleted furiously. How is your inbox doing? Is it time for you to do an email declutter? I have some tips on how to do so. Read more…

Cooking to De-stress?
I envy people who find cooking and/or baking therapeutic. Instead, I see cooking as a necessary evil . We have to eat, thus I cook since I can’t keep ordering in. Read more…

Mid-Year Review
June is a great time to do a mid-year review or a stock take of what’s happened so far. Are you on track to fulfilling your assignments from the Lord? And hitting the goals you set up at the beginning of the year? Or do you need to tweak things to get to the end of the year triumphant? Don’t waste the rest of the year rushing around like a headless chicken and accomplishing nothing. Read more…

Preparing for the New Year
Everyone hopes that the new year will be better than the last. But few of us actually prepare for it to be so. We tend to just let the year happen and then gape in surprise when that year comes to a close. So here are some concrete steps we could all take to live a more intentional life. Because, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry says, “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” Read more…

Another Kind of Busy For Another Season of Life
Fewer interruptions but no less busy. Instead, different seasons of motherhood see us exchanging one kind of busy for another kind of busy. And so, I am reminding myself to enjoy each season as it comes and to live in the present instead of reminiscing about the past season or hoping for a better (easier?) future. Read more…

Conquer the Laundry
Do you have laundry under control? Or do you have what is often affectionately called Mount Washmore in your home? Thankfully though, laundry is something that has been manageable in our large family. Yes, I have learnt how to conquer the laundry monster. Let me share what has helped me. Read more…

Never Be a Stay-At-Home-Mother aka Housewife
Never Be A Stay-At-Home-Mother is Part 3 of My 4 Nevers. I never intended to be a SAHM and yet I have been one for more than 20 years. Only God. It started out as being a practical decision but by God’s grace, He used my journey of being a SAHM to mould and transform me for His kingdom’s purposes. God’s ways are surely not my ways! Read more…

Use Habit Trackers for Consistency
Being consistent is hard. There are many things we are able to force ourselves to do if it is a one-off project. But to consistently do something is where many of us fail. Such as exercising or reading the Bible daily. Even when it is for the good of our children such as reading aloud to them daily, we fail or forget. But there is a simple resource that can help you achieve your goals – Habit Trackers. Read more…