Home Management

Be intentional about setting up margins to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Setting Up Margins to Beat the Overwhelm

Do you have margins in your life? Or is your life and schedule packed to the brim? No, margins are not the same as the famous ME TIME that mothers love to talk about. I am talking about making margins, space, in your life so that you are not slotting every hour you have with […] Read more…

Feeling overwhelmed? Set up systems to beat the overwhelm.

Setting up systems to beat the overwhelm

In the previous post, Setting up ROUTINES to beat the overwhelm, I shared how setting up basic routines and then honing it with a morning and evening routine can help beat the overwhelm. In this post, I will be sharing how setting up certain systems has helped me feel less overwhelmed. How does setting up […] Read more…

Setting up routines help to beat the feeling of being overwhelmed

Setting Up Routines to Beat the Overwhelm

Setting up routines to beat the overwhelm. It is one of my favourite pieces of advice that I dish out to people asking how I manage when I see their eyes glaze over when I reply that it is God who empowers me. There is no need to figure out what to do each day. It does not matter what time one wakes up. The routine is operational from the moment one is awake Read more…

10 Productivity Tips and Tools for Mothers

Last week, I spoke about time blocking (link) as a productivity hack that can help us stop running around like headless chickens and get more focused work done. This week I want to share 10 productivity tips and tools that have helped me run the household a little bit more efficiently. The main thing I […] Read more…

Productivity Hacks for Mothers?

Can productivity hacks really work for stay-at-home-mothers? Or are they ore applicable only for working men and women with no childcare responsibilities? And yet, it is mothers who desperately need the productivity hacks! Stay-at-home-moms, work-at-home-moms, work-out-of-home-moms. All mothers, period. But do the productivity hacks offered out there work for us? Time Blocking Read any productivity book, […] Read more…

Are maids an essential or a luxury for your family?

Maids: an Essential or a Luxury?

Are maids an essential or a luxury in your family? We have 7 living children with us here. We have never had a live-in maid thus far. Everyone chips in to help with the housework. So at this point in time, employing a maid would be considered a luxury at this point in time. However, I cannot say we will never have one because…who knows??? Things can change.  Read more…

Podcasts keep me company

Ironing. Give me ironing, and even toilet washing – mine, not yours! – over cooking any day. Yeah, I am one of those rare (and strange) people who prefer to clean and iron rather than cook or bake. Why? It is the only time I get to listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos in peace! […] Read more…

Cook Once, Eat Twice is an easier way to keep the freezer stocked up rather than once a month freezer cooking.

Cook Once, Eat Twice

Cook once, eat twice is being re-explored to build up a stash of freezer meals. The method in a nutshell, has you cooking once but you double (or triple) the portion. Then you eat one portion immediately that day and freeze the other portion/s for another day’s meal. If you consistently do that, you will soon build up a stash of freezer meals without too much effort. Read more…

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