Home Management

Want to have more time? Do housework while the children are awake.

When Does The Housework Get Done?

I learnt very early on that if I would like to rest (and I do need rest to function), I would need to do housework while the children are awake and not while they are sleeping. If I were to only do housework when they are asleep, either nap or bedtime, I’d never get the […] Read more…

How I Manage Housework with No Maid.

How I Manage Housework with No Maid

“So, how many maidS do you have?” is a common question I get when people see me out with my 7 children. And then they want to know how I manage housework with NO maid. Yes, It is possible. But, certain conditions need to be met, of course. Such as having as little clutter as possible, getting your children and husband onboard and lowering your standards.

Let me share what I do to manage our house and you see if any of these tips help you. It may just give you the needed boost in courage to let your maid go. 😉 Read more…

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