
Individual desks?

Ok – despite the training and yelling reminding that things need to be put away after school is done, things are obviously still not ideal around here. There is a certain culprit who’s always leaving things around tho’ the others aren’t that innocent either! The problem as I see it is the fact that they […] Read more…

How we do our yearly homeschool planning

Homeschool Planning

I do our homeschool planning once a year. It usually includes a trip down to Popular Bookstore at Bras Basah Shopping Complex as it has the widest range of books. Then I slowly divvy up the workbooks over our school calendar and then transfer the plan into each child’s homeschool planner. Read more…

Myth #9 : Our homeschooled children are geniuses

After teaching 5 children, 4 of whom can read independently now and mostly above their level, I have come to the conclusion that children learn whether you teach them or not. One way we have helped them to learn is make available to them various resources for them to explore and find an interest in. I have also learnt […] Read more…

The Homeschooling Father

Many times it is us, moms, who are doing the main bulk of homeschooling but without the full and complete support of dad, homeschooling is going to fall flat on its face eventually. I remember the day when the Lord spoke to me concerning this issue when I was debating whether to homeschool or not. Through […] Read more…

Easy Homeschooling Tips by Lorraine Curry

I am re-producing this article written by author Lorraine Curry of Easy Homeschooling books. It is a timely reminder for me as we plod on the school year. May it also bless you. My 10 Biggest Mistakes By Lorraine Curry Mistake #1 BEING TOO EASY ON OUR BOYS Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore suggest that […] Read more…

Over planning your homeschool leads to much busywork for mom. Focus instead on the basics then add on the extras.

So much busywork – for mom!

Lesson Plans, Circle Time, Flashcards, Reading Aloud, Phonics, Lapbooks, Arts & Crafts, Bible Memory Verses, Field Trips…So much busywork for mom! It is intimidating to a mother who is exploring homeschooling for her little ones. It seems impossible to handle, on top of the daily stuff that needs to be done. How??? Read more…

Homeschool Helps

This blog, Heart Of The Matter Online, may be of use to those of you who are starting out in Homeschooling. It’s FREE! Sign up for their newsletter and you’ll get loads of information about homeschooling. Click HERE for a posting on Math Manipulatives. Read more…

Getting Started on Homeschooling

Those of you who have been visiting my website for a while would know that you can find out how we homeschool in the Homeschooling section found at the side bar of this page. And every 6 months or so, I would review how the systems I have set up are working or not working […] Read more…

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