
Project Knit 2015

Sometime back in September 2014, Esther, then 11 years old, asked to learn how to knit. Since I have no idea how to do so, I asked her to go check out YouTube tutorials and within a few weeks, she had mastered it and was even teaching her siblings how to do it! Then she went […] Read more…

Homeschool Update #1

This update will come in 2 parts : the PSLE and P4 exams update and the post highschool update (aka the we are not really sure what we are doing update!) So today, the PSLE and Primary 4 exam update. Compulsory Education act requirements When we first started homeschooling, the Ministry of Education (MOE) required […] Read more…

Exploring Homeschooling Parent Session

Are you considering homeschooling? Is it too daunting a thought? Yen Siow, founder of Discovering Without Borders, a social enterprise, has gotten 3 homeschooling moms (including yours truly) to share our experiences. Do *not* contact or email me for details. Instead, email : for more information. Otherwise, just register by clicking HERE. ********************************************************************************* “Hi […] Read more…

Be envious of our free time indeed!

As a follow up on the last blog post… Mother of public schooled (PS) kid : Are your kids ok socially? Me : (what sort of a question is that?!) Yes, they are very fine socially. PS Child #1 : But they have friends??? Me : (sighs inwardly) Yes, they do. We are homeschoolers not hermits. […] Read more…

The topic of friends

Warning : Rant ahead! I guess the most standard question asked of homeschoolers must be : what about friends??? OR ” You have friends???” All asked with the wide-eyed, incredulous look. I seriously dislike this question. On so many levels. Never assume First it assumes that making and having friends is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in […] Read more…

First born, always the guinea pig

On Saturday, 2 May 2015, our oldest child took the first ever SAT of the family. We have no idea what to expect. Just like we had no idea what to expect when he took his Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) in 2010. In fact, we had no idea what to expect when I was pregnant […] Read more…

Remember who we serve

As I look back at 2014, a year full of changes and developments, I cannot not sing of His awesome faithfulness.So many things have happened, so many things will be happening and it can all be very overwhelming. But I want to remember WHO I serve. This is just a brief recap of what has […] Read more…

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