As we approach the start of the written papers for PSLE* (oral exams started in August), I can feel the rise of tension, especially this time round as I got to know more mothers whose children are also taking PSLE with our 3rd child. The previous two times I was rather oblivious to the tension as only […] Read more…

PSLE Round 3
PSLE Round 3. While academics isn’t everything, it is important to our family. I ain’t no tiger mom but if you can get 100 in an exam and scored only 80 then you have done yourself a disservice. You have wasted your potential. But if your best is a 60 and you got 55, that’s a fantastic job! So that’s where I am coming from. Do your best. Read more…
The urgency of the times
So the first of the Blood Moons* have come and gone and everyone is waiting with abated breath to see whether the something major that is going to happen is really going to happen from now till 28th September 2015 😛 Whether you believe that the Blood Moons are a sign of Jesus coming for […] Read more…
A little off
At a recent conference Henson and I attended recently, one of the speakers was described as being a little off because he was totally sold out for Jesus and His chosen people, the Jews. He was first led to leave his pastorate and eventually to participate in a growing global movement to bring the Jews […] Read more…
Rambling thoughts on homeschooling 7
Homeschooling is still such a foreign concept in Singapore that if I want to get any attention in a crowd, all I have to say is that I am a homeschooling mother 😀 I didn’t start out wanting to homeschool my children and definitely not all 7. And on certain days (months???) I still wonder […] Read more…

Homeschooling will not save your child
What I am about to say may offend those who are super pro-homeschooling 🙂 So I will say upfront that I am not militant about homeschooling. It has many benefits. But like anything in life, it has its pros and cons. And therefore, whether one homeschools or not is a choice every family has to […] Read more…
How to Ensure that Moms Get to Rest
Rest is physically required in order that we can function at an optimum level. But it is often the last thing on our To-Do list. As mothers, we are all guilty of neglecting this aspect of our lives. We think everything rests on our shoulders and therefore we must push on and ignore our need […] Read more…
Homeschool Fair 2013
For those of you who are wondering about the various homeschooling curricula local homeschoolers use, you can come and visit the yearly Homeschool Fair. Details are as follows. I am not part of the organising group nor will I be at the Fair, so if you need more information about it, please email the organiser […] Read more…
Militant or Enthusiastic?
I was thinking about this recently : being enthusiastic about certain things and choosing to walk against the tide can come across to some people as being militant rather than enthusiastic. The more it is against the norm, the louder (literally and figuratively) we tend to get since no one else is on our side. But this […] Read more…
Choosing not to waver
Whenever you choose not to follow the crowd, you will, at various points of the journey, second guess yourself. I think it is just part and parcel of walking against the tide. Which can be a good thing – it can either solidify your position clearly or it can show up its inadequacy which will […] Read more…