I attended 3 talks in the span of 1 week – an amazing feat for someone who is used to staying home most of the time to keep on top of what she needs to do! 😀 And yes, they all had to do with parenting in one form or another. Have you ever sat […] Read more…
The Decline of Literature
So much has been said about the decline of Literature that there would be nothing new in whatever I have to say. So why am I writing this post? I just have to join in with the pro-Literature crowd to say – what a pity that Literature is on a decline! I love Literature! It […] Read more…
Delegate and Cut Corners
No, I do not have more than 24 hours. Nor am I able to do things at a supersonic speed. Although I wish I could – daily! So how do I do it all? Firstly : I don’t AT ALL. Some things are done all of the time and some things are done some of the time […] Read more…
Not Homeschooling Because it is More Spiritual
A question the other day compelled me to write again that when God impressed upon us to homeschool our children, He did not say – Homeschool because it is the more spiritual thing to do! 😀 Nor did we ever feel that homeschooling would produce academically brilliant children. We also do not homeschool because we want […] Read more…
2012 – A Year of Abundance Indeed
Back in January 2012, my dear husband shared in his January Newsletter that he had been given a word, “abundance” by the Lord. And now in December, as I look back, it has indeed been a year of abundance. In the homeschooling front, we were blessed to be able to graduate another child from the […] Read more…

PSLE again!
PSLE again! Just because David did well, everyone assumes Sarah will too. But every child is different. Every child has different interests, bent, personalities, quirks, etc. And just because they have the same teacher (me) it is no guarantee that all of them will have similar results. Every year presents different family dynamics and circumstances. Read more…

Yes, our homeschooled children go for tuition classes. I am not embarrassed to say it. Tuition is a tool and a resource in our homeschool. We use it to learn the HOW of answering questions so we can score full marks. I am not willing to have marks deducted just because we did not follow the structure required by SEAB, our exam board. Read more…
And a 12 year old needs to know this???
Sometime ago, while going through dd’s work for the day, I came across this vocabulary question. See question 9. And if you are wondering which assessment book it was, here it is … Yes, we do have sex education here in our little homeschool and the older ones know what contraceptives are – in a general […] Read more…
Choosing our High School/Secondary School Curriculum
Sometime in 2011, I wrote What’s after PSLE? But much has changed since then. I just didn’t have the time to write it all down to share with anyone. However, I was asked to share at an impromptu gathering last week for those seeking to know the options available to them after PSLE. But sadly, […] Read more…
Homeschool FAQs
After fielding many similar Homeschool FAQs from people curious about homeschooling I decided to compile a common list of them and answer them here. For more on Homeschooling, go to the SEARCH Box on the right column and type in Homeschool. A list of homeschool posts should come out. If not, please let me know. […] Read more…