What does a typical homeschool day look like in our larger than average family here in Singapore? Actually it is only typical for this season of our lives. It keeps changing when the family’s needs change. As the old adage goes, the only thing constant is change, is definitely true here! How we homeschool and […] Read more…

What’s after PSLE?
Now that we’ve cleared our first PSLE, what’s next? “What are your plans after PSLE?” We’ve been asked this question A LOT. Most assume that David will just take his O Levels as a private candidate. Or enter the school system. None are accurate. We will not be taking the O and A Level route. And David will continue homeschooling. Read more…
A post for all homeschoolers
While clearing my email inbox I clicked on my weekly CurrClick newsletter that I had not had the time to read. Along with its weekly freebie, there was an accompanying article entitled Not Everyone Should Homeschool by Stephanie Prahl that had me nodding my head in agreement all the way 🙂 So I thought I […] Read more…
Year End Reflections and New Year Resolutions
Reflections and resolutions. We should always do this. Reflect on the year that has gone by and make resolutions for the new year so that hopefully, we won’t repeat the same mistakes. And yet, there is no point beating yourself up over what has happened and then be overly ambitious for the new year 🙂 […] Read more…
I love SOW
UPDATE: It is with sadness that I discovered that Student of the Word no longer exists. I know I have raved about our Bible Curriculum, Student of the Word or SOW before. But I really like it! 🙂 Although it is a complete K6-12 curriculum (excluding Maths) we have modified how we use it to just […] Read more…
Preschool Curriculum
Have you visited Confessions of a Homeschooler blog? Oh my! It is chockful of stuff for preschoolers. Erica is very generous with the work she has done. Everything in her Letter of the Week curriculum is free! But if you want to download the whole lot faster and easier, then you pay just US$10 for the […] Read more…
In the papers again!
No, we seriously do not go around courting publicity as a friend had teased. In fact, my motto is to fly under the radar as much as possible. But I guess living a non-mainstream lifestyle makes that a little bit difficult in tiny Singapore 🙂 In the news for homeschooling This time round, we were […] Read more…

PSLE Preparations
My motto for our homeschooling journey has always been, “Slow and steady wins the race”. Work done consistently and regularly is better than huge chunks of work done sporadically. This is also why we do not follow the public school’s calendar, preferring to school all year round with a 6 weeks on and 1 week off schedule. Read more…
The question everyone is asking
One of the clauses for exemption from public school is that the child must for PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) the year the child turns 12. And this year our oldest turned 12 and sat for it. The whole process started in July when he had to go for a National Education quiz. In August were oral […] Read more…
Ready, Steady, Go!
And so today marks the start of our formal participation in the PSLE machinery we are required to partake of. One of the conditions we have to agree to when we homeschool our children is that they will sit for PSLE the year they turn 12. And prior to that, they have to sit for a […] Read more…