Yes we are finally at Week 36! 4 more weeks to go – hopefully!
And how does it feel? Well, my back started to hurt some weeks back. But it is already a bonus coz I usually start getting lower back aches at the start of my 3rd trimester. This time round, I only started having it bad recently. And I attribute the late onset of aches and pains to my trusty Roomba and Scooba Housework is bad for the back!
Most of the aches are the result of ending up on my back in the middle of the night. I absolutely cannot lie on my back in my 3rd trimester and yet almost always end up in that position despite all the pillows and bolsters I use to prevent me from flopping back!
Getting up from the bed in the mornings and in the middle of the night causes me excruciating pain. Most times I have to sit up and wait for all the muscles to readjust themselves before I can take my first step. I also get these sharp shooting pains after I iron our clothes and after washing the toilets.
But yesterday took the cake. I was out running some errands before my check up when I had such a sharp pain in my back that radiated down to my leg that I couldn’t move. Yes, my lovely sciatic nerve was pinched.
I was literally immobilised at the shop alone. I could only take baby steps and even then, that caused great pain. I even broke out in cold sweat! As I was bent over double, I was hoping that no one will think I am in labour. But I need not have worried. No one even batted an eyelid at this bent over hugely pregnant woman.
So I started to pray. The pain did not go away but I was led to squeeze my buttocks really hard with each step I took. THAT helped. The pain was unnoticeable when I squeezed the muscle tight as I took a step but when I did not, it hurt terribly. So I quickly squeezed and walked and finished up my errands, saw the dr and went home.
This morning, I went to see our chiropractor and she confirmed that some nerves had been squashed. So she worked to release them and boy did it hurt!!! But what’s great is that I can now walk without pain!
Amazing isn’t it? Seriously, it is better than a massage. A massage only treats the symptoms and not the cause.
Now, if only I had someone to press and realign my body every morning before I get out of bed. Now that would be lovely!
But the best remedy is to birth the baby! I remembered asking my previous dr once if he could promise that my back ache will go away the moment I birth and he said “yes!” Lol. And true enough, it did.
BTW the pain I get when lying on my back is one reason why I dislike labouring and birthing on my back.
At the check up, my dr also asked if I wanted to take the test for Group B Strep. I declined* and thankfully, he did not push for it. This is one thing I am grateful for. He’s never pushy. Well, not to me anyway And I am so glad he didn’t ask to see me next week (as per the normal procedure) but in 2 week’s time! This is all thanks to the fact that I birth way past the 40 week mark the last 3 times!
* Do your own research and decide for yourself if you would like to be tested. As for me, I am upping my intake of acidophilus, garlic and vitamin C to strengthen my immune system. I am also trying (and failing, may I add!) to avoid sugar and processed foods, especially those high in carbs.
Erm…adjust already, then problem will still come back, won’t it? It does for me. Even after giving birth, the problem stays bc I still have to carry the baby, and yeah, I still need to bend and such.
but the good thing is that I can walk much faster, even with baby strapped to me.
yes it does come back and I guess as long as my muscles and ligaments are weak it’ll be a recurring problem BUT at least it buys me a few more days of being painfree. Thankfully the aches and pain only started recently so even if I have to go and get adjusted weekly, it’s only another 4 more weeks to go. Otherwise lots of $$$!!!
for us, i think years of not having good posture due to carrying the bbs/toddlers is making its effects felt now
Dr PT doesn’t push me for anything that I don’t want too.
You take good care ya?
Does your chiropractor treat scoliosis? Been having that since I was young but now started to give me aches etc after the birth of my 2nd child. Lots of pple been telling me to see expert and am wondering if you can recommend yours?
Let me check with her when I see her on Thursday. Will let you know then!