I started this early this month but didn’t want to post it then as I didn’t want to bore you with the little one liners or two that I was writing. This is more for me to remember my own feelings as I head down the road to the birth of the baby.
Sunday, 8th February 2009 (Week 36)
Besides the usual BH, I am also started to feel the bearing down sensation. I don’t know if this is sceintific or not but to me, the bearing down sensation indicated that my cervix is preparing to soften and dilate. It is a good sign! 🙂
Wednesday, 11th February 2009 (Week 36)
A day of washing. The following got dumped into the washing machine – curtains in the living room, breast pads, nursing wear, baby clothes. Don’t worry, they didn’t all get washed at the same time! 🙂 Tomorrow I wash the curtains from the other rooms.
I suddenly realised that our babies have been born on or very near a weekend. And decided to post this trivial post.
Saturday, 14th February 2009 (Week 37)
Feeling nauseous. I hate this feeling. Also, everytime I bend or squat to get something I get these intense BHs. It is so uncomfortable! I read that nausea with diarrhoea (which I do not have) can be a sign of labour. Ha! I so wish!
The earliest I have birthed is 5 days before an EDD and that was my 1st birth. So it would be an act of God if I should get to birth this little one out anytime soon.
And no matter how many times I have birthed, I really hate it that I get so edgey in the last month. Even though I just know I’ll go over the due date, I still get edgey. Even though I tell myself that my edd is one week later than it is, I still hope that I would birth early. Sigh.
Sunday, 15th February 2009 (Week 37)
Very interesting. I think my body is starting the labour process. Don’t know how long this will take but I actually have been having contractions every 15minutes from 10:45am to 3:45pm. Accompanying it is the bearing down sensation. And when I go to the toilet, there’s lots of mucous.
Sewed up all the skirts I promised the girls I would do for them before I birth. Sitting at the sewing machine has been bad for my back though 🙁

Monday, 16th February 2009 (Week 37)
How miserable can one feel anyway? I wonder how much of it is hormonal and how much of it is due to the physical discomfort I feel?
Friday, 20th February 2009 (Week 38)
Oh finally we officially hit Week 38!
Either the baby has moved down or the weekly chiropractic care has really helped. My lower back is not hurting like it used to. Ok – granted I have not gone and washed the 3 toilets – yet! Will see how it goes after washing them – soon…
I am still moving at a snail’s pace. This time round, the last trimester nesting instinct I was hoping for to spur me to clear out and clean up the mess in the house is not here! Told dh that I think my body is conserving energy for the birth. Instead of rushing around, my body is forcing me to slow down in preparation for the labour and birth.
I remember feeling really tired after the birth of #5 even though it was such an easy and lovely birth. And that was because we were in the midst of moving to a rental place. I so do not want to feel that exhaustion again!
But I still have to get the baby cot cleaned up though – somehow. Perhaps this weekend.
Congratulations on your baby! i’m 32 weeks pregnant myself so have been checking out lots of mummy blogs; theres loads of great ones here too http://my.bounty.com/blogs/tabid/54/Default.aspx He’s my first baby – im hoping reading other peoples experiences will make everything ok, lol, probably not but its helping so far! x