So what did I learn this time round? 🙂
God is in control
Yes, God is always in control even when we think He is not or worse, He needs help from us! From the small things to the big ones, His Hand is on all of them, cliched as it sounds.
God’s timing is perfect
I grumbled about it, prayed about it and grumbled some more about it but God’s timing to call forth the little one is perfect. No, I did not like being overdue for the 4th time in a row but that was the perfect timing for the little one.
And in His graciousness, He agreed to my prayer request that she be born in the daytime so that both dh & I could get a proper night’s sleep unlike the previous 2 births.
Never assume you know what God is going to do
I thought I knew how the whole labour and birth was going to pan out but nope, He didn’t want me to rely on a method or a ritual. Instead, He wanted me to rely on Him and Him alone.
Everyone and their brother thought that birth #7 would be easy peasy and super fast. But it was neither. I had to really work to push the little or not so little!) one out. And it wasn’t as fast as the last 2 births either.
But I now know that He orchestrated the speed of the entire process so that I get to experience and appreciate the entire birth process in a whole new way. And it also allowed dh to be very much a part of the whole process instead of just being a by-stander and an observer.
Our bodies are marvellous creations by God
God’s design – from the moment of conception to the birth process –Â is perfect. Our bodies are designed to birth the baby He creates in us. I truly believe in this.
We have our duty to look after our bodies. Feed it well, exercise it and rest it well. Then it can work the way it is supposed to.
We have been brainwashed to think that birth needs to be highly medicalised for it to be safe and successful. I am testimony that it need not be. No, I am not advocating homebirthing for everyone but I am saying that it can be done. One need not be fearful of it.
Our dear paedetrician stood in awe that the baby is healthy, with no signs of infection or any imbalance in her blood work despite his misgivings. See The Home Birth of Anna : A Doctor’s Report. He credits it to the prayers of the saints. And I agree totally!
But he has also overlooked the fact that women have been birthing at home since forever. Think about the Israelite women under Pharoah’s harsh rule in Exodus 1:19. Think about Jesus being born in the manger with just Joseph and Mary in attendance. A biblical record of a homebirth with the husband as the midwife? 🙂
Indeed, we are fearfully and wonderfully made! At every labour and birth process, I am constantly amazed at how the body knows what to do – from the start of the labour process, to how the baby knows how to move down the birth canal and when to turn and how to come forth, to the expulsion of the placenta. And even after birth, how the body is able to contract the uterus back to pre-pregnancy size, to producing milk to nourish the baby.
Isn’t it amazing?
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
I said before and I’ll say again, RRL tea has been very helpful for me in both toning the uterus to lessening the amount of lochia post-partum.
It’s not about meÂ
Instead it is all about Jesus and His wonderful work on the Cross. Many people have commended us on our faith and I thank you. But I want to say – YOU too can have it. Yes, I am not kidding! Romans 12:3b tells us that God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. So YOU can have this faith too if you are serving the same God 🙂
I have been privileged to experience supernatural childbirth 7 times. It can be for you too. I am not more spiritual than the next person or more holy.
All that has happened is for the glory of God. The testimony we have been able to share is to point you to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We are humbled that in His graciousness, He allowed us to be a part of His work.
May you be encouraged, whether you are about to birth or not 🙂Â
The doctor writes such a long report for you??!!
yep! 🙂 he was going on & on about it so dh asked him if he would write out a report for us lor.
btw, 12 March is my brother’s birthday. 😉 He’s 48yrs on Anna’s birthday!