Everytime I declutter stuff, I get attacked by dust 🙁 It is such a miserable feeling that I am almost tempted to never declutter ever again!
But stuff keeps coming in and I need to keep throwing/donating/selling them to keep clutter to a minimum. I like to delcutter at one go so that I only suffer the itchies once. But having a baby in the house makes that an almost unachievable goal! 🙂 Now my lips are so itchy and swollen and I’ve got another 4 bags to stuff to go through! 🙁
I know, I know – be glad that I have things to declutter, eh? 🙂
In case you are wondering why I am not decluttering but typing this post 😀 The answer is simple – I can type with one hand but need two hands to declutter! And the kids also have a dust allergy so I can’t even get them to help me. All ds did was to go through his own clothes and ended up sneezing till he ended up in a bad mood.
I just thank God it is a cool day. Wet but cool 🙂