So after I wrote of The Necessity of Quiet Time, I fell off the Quiet Time wagon! Yeah, it is easier to write about spending quiet time with the Lord than actually doing it, isn’t it?
Later, Later!
I confess that in the midst of much busyness, the first thing to go is always Quiet Times with the Lord. There are always many more pressing things that I HAD to do. So, Quiet Times kept getting pushed to a “later” time that of course, never comes!
It didn’t help that I went off my B Complex supplements because I had no more nausea after I hit Week 16 of this pregnancy. But after I went off it, I realised that I needed to take it to not only stave off my nausea but also to boost my energy level.
Anyway, what happened then was that my usual time slot of spending some time with the Lord when the children rested/napped became MY nap time. Despite the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit to read God’s Word and pray, I was either too tired, too busy or too distracted. It is really so easy to keep ignoring the prompting of the Holy Spirit until you become too de-sensitised to hear it anymore. Sigh.
Back on the Quiet Time Wagon, I think!
But I am glad to report that I have gotten back to the swing of Quiet Times, I think! And cliché though it sounds, it really is helping me juggle the many balls in the air better.
Are things all hunky dory? Oh no! But I am more grounded. My focus has been corrected yet again and the sense of despair due to feelings of being overwhelmed has ebbed.
Fix Eyes on the Lord
Today, I read Psalm 141 and am reminded once again that we need to pray like King David did when overwhelmed and feeling attacked from all corners :
But my eyes are fixed on you,
Psalm 141:8, NKJV
O sovereign Lord;
In you I take refuge…
Be Mary, not Martha
As mothers, it is so easy to get distracted by the number of things that NEED to be done. But we must be careful that we do not become like Martha. We need to remember Jesus’ gentle chiding :
Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:38-42, NKJV
You may wish to read Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World : Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life which I found helpful when I was puzzling over how to balance our duties and the need to spend time with our Lord.
As we press on and get our jobs done let us not neglect the “better part”!
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