is part of the Write 31 2017 Challenge.
Read 31 Days of Life in a Large Homeschooling Family for more posts.
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And so, we have come to the end of the Write 31 Days 2017 Challenge.
I did not know that I could actually churn out 31 posts in as many days. But it has certainly wiped me out.
As I write and share how things are done in our large homeschooling family, I am overcome with gratitude to the Lord.
As you know in Why So Many Children, I did not want to even have one child and yet God has changed my mind and heart to accept as many as He sends. And in doing so, He has stretched and grown me in ways that is beyond my imagination.
Many lessons learnt
I learnt not only to manage the household and cook for our large family of big eaters, but to also add homeschooling into the mix. It has been a journey and indeed, powered entirely by His Grace.
Take God at His Word
We just took God’s instruction and tried to obey Him the best we can, day-by-day. It has not been smooth or easy. Some days see us kicking and screaming at God, other days resigned to our “fate”. But on hindsight, we see that it is our sinful selves that have made things difficult for ourselves.
He said that His yoke is easy and His burden light (Matthew 11:30). And on days that I remember to rest in Him, it is always easier and more joyous.
But He is gracious and meets me at my level of faith. As He brought me through the long tiring days of babies and toddlers over and over, I learnt so much. Not just what I can do through Him but more importantly, who He is.
Faithful and Merciful
He is a faithful God and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-24)
Our family doing what it is doing in its own imperfect fumbling ways shows only a fraction of what God can do through us if we would wholly trust Him and obey Him.
It is my hope that as you read the posts over the past 31 days that it would give you courage to trust the Lord with your family and grow closer to Him.
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