As I write this post to document my home birthing journey, I want to first give glory and praise and thanksgiving to God who saw us through our very first home birth. IÂ want to acknowledge his hand upon all of us. The birth process as He designed it is indeed wonderful!

Home birth – planned or unplanned?
The moment one hears that I had birthed at home, many immediately assume that I didn’t make it on time to the hospital. But that is not exactly true. There was a point during my labour where I decided that I was just too comfortable labouring at home and did not want to leave the room.
I could have made it in time if I had left immediately after my waterbag broke. But my first thought was, “what’s the point?” I just didn’t feel like rushing at all. Or endure the bumpy ride to Mount Alvernia Hospital. So I guess, at that point, it became a planned home birth 🙂
It wasn’t made at the spur of the moment either. I had done a lot of researching and reading before the birth.
As I reflected on my God-led home birth journey, I cannot help but be in awe of the Hand of God upon all of us from the very beginning. I had never planned for a home birth. All along, I had planned to go to the hospital.
Just in case…
However, as more and more people knew about the pregnancy, there were a handful of people who asked if I was planning a home birth this time. They all knew that my 6th labour and birth was so quick. Even our older children started to ask us to birth at home!
I started to think, “hmm…perhaps I should prepare for one in case I birth even faster this time round.” So I started to read up on articles as well as participate in natural birthing forums. I viewed a few home birth videos and asked questions of those who had birthed at home in Singapore, UK and the US.
And that’s how it all began.
As I started researching and asking questions, I even posted Why Must It Be So New Age-y on this blog. I questioned why natural birth has been claimed by pagans when it was a God-designed affair.
I also reflected on my last two, most natural, non-managed births. I knew I could trust my body to work as God had designed it. I also knew that if God said NO, I would not do it. So that was my prayer. God knew the desire of my heart but I wasn’t about to do something just because I liked to!
Being prepared either way
As the EDD drew nearer, I started preparing for my hospital birth but kept in mind that I could very well have a home birth. The last 2 births had gone rather fast once active labour was established.
So as I packed my hospital bag, I also prepared a home birth “kit” of sorts. (You could google for a list of things midwives usually have on hand when attending home births.) I had only the very basic stuff since I was still planning to go to the hospital. A small mattress to labour on all fours. Waterproof sheets to protect our mattress. Hydrogen peroxide for sterilisation. A basin for the placenta since I was not planning to cut the umbilical cord myself. Blankets, kitchen towels, etc…
I also psychologically prepared Henson by forwarding him bits and pieces of articles and websites on home birthing. I just wanted him to be prepared in case we don’t make it to the hospital. I was totally prepared to birth at home if I had to. I had done my research and knew that it is a safe option for ME. But I was also always ready to go to the hospital if the Holy Spirit prompts me to.
Trusting God’s Design
So no, I didn’t not make it to the hospital on time but no, it wasn’t a decision made hastily either.
From all I have read and the fact that I trust Abba Father’s design, I truly believe a healthy, normal pregnancy can end in a healthy and normal home birth, very safely at home. It is not something to be feared or avoided.
And I am certainly glad to be given the chance to experience this beautiful birth at home together with Henson and even the children. The children are so pleased that they got to see the baby immediately after the birth and I know Henson is pleased to be the first person to see and hold our baby instead of just being the bystander.
To God be the glory!
HI Sister serene,
Just want to say that I am VERY encouraged to read of your adventures with Jesus and how you have learnt to obey and trust the Spirit of God as He leads you and your body. Truly women of such love for Jesus to give themselves fully to His leading to the very “everyday” events and life choices is few and rare. Thank you for sharing your journey here on your blog. They encourage me tremendously as I learn to grow in sharpening my faith and opening my heart everyday to experience a greater and more magnificent Jesus.
(I’m expecting my first one and I”m praying too that as we learn to be sensitive to His Spirit and obedient to His leading, Jesus will be fully glorified in everything we’re going to journey through.)
Congratulations Jessica! And may you have the birth you wish for! 🙂
I was googling ‘home birth in Spore’ and found your website. I am too planning to have one. It is my first child though, and I was just reading abt homebirth yesterday. I have the same beliefs as u as a Christian, esp regarding natural birth. Would u mind emailing me as I have some questions?
hello 🙂
I am also a homebirther,with God’s help.
I am now 28 weeks,I have had a beautiful
God guided pregnancy and am very much looking forward
to another God blessed birth.
thganks for sharing so much xx