The 2 yr old sure knows who to look for when she needs help or someone to play with. Although any of her 5 older siblings would do, she especially loves to look for her oldest sister (9yrs old).
The older ones usually oblige to her requests (more water, draw something for her, get a toy, wash her hands, etc…) But she often pushes their limits coz she never wants them to stop playing with her.
Eg. she would ask them to open a box and then proceeds to close to it, then asks them to open it again, then closes it -over and over till they lose their patience with her. Yes they should be more patient with her but hey! try opening a box that she will close 20 times in a row and see if you’ll not feel even a twinge of annoyance 🙂
So this morning, I find dd lying down on the couch covered with cushions. She whispered, “Mama, I am hiding from Deborah.” And in the background, I could hear Deborah calling for her sister 🙂
Another funny moment that made me smile.