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No, I am not really ready to start blogging on a regular basis – yet! But I am popping in today to just remind us that if you haven’t signed up for the In The Last Days Conference, please do!



In the last days
Visit to book your tickets and for more details.


Today’s political and religious, and therefore social, climate is changing very rapidly. How are we to respond? Do we even know we have to respond? And when we do respond, is it biblically accurate? Most of us don’t even realise that we are responding according to our worldview, which colours everything we read and see and hear. It is only in recent years that this term, “worldview” has been popping up. Google the term and this definition pops up, “a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.”.

So take for example, if you believe that life begins at conception (a biblical worldview) and that Man is made in the image of God, then abortion is wrong. But if your worldview says that until a baby (or use the uncute word foetus, to further distance ourselves from the life growing within the womb) is born, he/she is just a blob of cells, then abortion is ok and even recommended in certain situations. Or if you think that the Bible is just a collection of stories, not to be accepted in all its entirety, then you would also start reading it through different eyes. And this goes for other situations we encounter on a daily basis. If our worldview is incorrect then that is what we will be passing on to our children!

Do sign up for this conference to arm ourselves, as Christian mothers especially, as we face an onslaught of events happening here and globally at breakneck speed. Indeed we are living in perilous times!


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