Have you heard the one that goes, “Oh my child is not naughty. He’s just a very active boy who’s very curious about the world.” All this said with pride in the voice
Meanwhile, this wonderful child is jumping on your brand new sofa and trying to hit your child next to him with a toy. When told to stop by his mum, the child does not even acknowledge his mum’s presence, much less her instructions.
Or the other one that goes, “Oh my daughter is just a very focused child,” when mum can’t get the little girl to leave the toy store.
Lively and active? Focused? Yes! But both children are also a very disobedient children. Whether a child is active, lively, spontaneous, focused or not is not the point. Any child who disobeys his parent’s instructions is exhibiting disobedience! Period. When mum says “stop” or “come”, the child has to do it. And this is preferably when she says it the first time.
People from my parent’s generation often excuse brattish behaviours as that of a child merely being a child. Yes he is and that’s why we as parents need to train such foolish behaviours out of them, The Bible clearly tells us “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child.” Proverbs 22:15. Remember that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23. That’s right, ALL. That includes the cute and innocent looking baby you hold in your hands.
As parents, it is our duty to teach our children self-control as early in their lives as possible so that when they are adults, they would struggle less with saying NO to their flesh. Not that they won’t struggle but they will struggle less having had more years of practicing the discipline of denying themselves. Also, such children are indeed a blessing not only to their parents but to those around them.
Start young and it becomes easier! One more tip – train your first born well coz the children that follow after him will look to him as a model – either a good one or a bad one.
Remember – whether your child is an active one or not is not the point. He must still obey you when you give an instruction.