As a person who’s always looking for stuff to make my life easier and more productive, I found 3 items that I have been most pleased with off eBay. A nursing bracelet, a key finder and cloth nursing pads.
Nursing Bracelet
While I was waiting and waiting for baby #7 to make her grand entrance into the world early this year, I came across a nursing bracelet by Made With A Mother’s Love. She called it a Mommy Helper Reminder Bracelet. And I absolutely love it!
Nursing Bracelet photo courtesy of Made With A Mother's Love
This is how it works : It has numbers 1 through 12 on it representing 12 hours on a clock with 3 beads in between to represent every 15 minutes. Simply move the charm between the beads to record, keep track of, count or remind you of whatever you need. Also, for breastfeeding, you can easily switch your bracelet to your other arm to remind you of what breast your baby last fed from or needs to feed from next time.
I use it not so much as to time the feeds but to keep track of baby’s naptimes and of course to remind myself which side baby last nursed from. In case you are wondering why I need to keep track of baby’s naptimes – well, I do not like to keep baby up for more than 1.5 to 2hrs from her last nap. She gets overtired and wound up and cannot settle down to nap properly. So the bracelet helps me remember what time she woke up and when to put her down for her naps. I love it coz I no longer have to use my diminishing brain cells to remember such stuff! 😛 Baby is almost 6 months and I am still using it. I ordered 2 in colours that would match most of my outfits 🙂
A Key Finder
While looking for a keychain, I came across an item called a key finder. It is a simple solution to digging around in your bag for your set of keys. Unless I am wearing jeans, my clothes are usually sans pockets which means my 2 sets of keys (car and house) are kept somewhere in my huge diaper bag (I have 2 children in diapers). And it is extremely annoying to be poking around in my bag looking for my keys which I know are in there somewhere, especially when I have a baby in one hand and a toddler in the other. And this is even when I have a bag with mulitple compartments! The keys are still hard to fish out coz they tend to sink right into the bottom of the pocket compartments.
So I was extremely intrigued by this contraption. After surfing around for the best deal and the prettiest one I could find, I bought 2 key finders from Ar’bed Floral.
Key Finder photo courtesy of Ar'Bed Floral
No more digging around! I clip my keys to it and let it hang out of the bag! Even dh and the kids can find my keys without me going “No, no, no! Not that compartment, the other one!” 😛
Nursing Pads
I also bought some lovely hemp-fleece nursing pads from Sling-A-Roo Baby. But on the way to Singapore, the pads went missing! But she was very professional about it and re-sent the package at her cost. These hemp fleece nursing pads are really soft and absorbent. I bought the double layered ones since I leak heavily. It is so, so comfortable compared to the Avent ones I had been using. If only I had known about these with my first child! Btw she’s a mom of 10 kids!
IfI come across more great buys, I’ll share them with you again! I love eBay! 🙂
I LOVE the key finder! I need it! I’m gonna go take a look now.
And the bracelets are really cool, too! Wish I had them in bb’s 1st mth when we were doing 2-3 hrly block feeding. I often forgot which side I’d last nursed and had to grope my own breasts to try to figure out, lol!
I LOVE the key finder! I need it! I’m gonna go take a look now.
And the bracelets are really cool, too! Wish I had them in bb’s 1st mth when we were doing 2-3 hrly block feeding. I often forgot which side I’d last nursed and had to grope my own breasts to try to figure out, lol!