I was treated to my first Mother’s Day meal! I know this is one month after Mothers’ Day but since it is such a treat for me, I’d like to share this moment with you 🙂
Interning = $$$!
Since his graduation from Abeka Academy‘s high school programme last year, David (18) has gotten some jobs interning with a friend and working as a crew member at Mos Burger (Bishan branch). Currently he is an assistant coach on a as and when needed basis with his ex-roller blading coach. Yeah – a diverse portfolio indeed! But the bottom line is this ; he has MONEY, CASH, MOOLAH!!!
Giving a portion of salary to mom and dad
I am not sure how other families do it nowadays but I was always told that I had to give some money to my parents once I started working. And my parents were very generous in that they never insisted on a fixed amount or even a percentage of my take home pay. As they have been blessed in not needing my financial contributions to the family, they have always told me that the amount given does not have to be much but it has to be given. I suppose it is to drill in the value of being a contributing member of the family versus a leeching one! 😛 So, in turn, I would like to pass on this teaching to our children.
Mother’s Day Meal
But I digress 🙂 The point is that he has real, hard earned cash in his hands now. (BTW Mos Burger works its crew hard!)
Since I was scheduled to share at our church’s Mothers’ Day services (Saturday and Sunday), David booked me to take me out for dinner after my sharing session on Saturday. And he had already planned out where we were going and what we would be eating – without consulting me! Lol!
Kway chap*, he said. And at the Ang Mok Kio coffee shop, opposite my childhood home. Er….okay?! 🙂 And so we ate. Kway chap for me, salted-fish-chicken fried rice for him and satay* to share.

It was nice.
And I was blessed.
Thank you, David for blessing me!
*Kway Chap is a dish made up of pig’s innards and satay is just skewered and BBQ meat served with peanut sauce.