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MacDonald’s, Rite Pizza, instant noodles, food cooked with pre-mixes…

Yes, we resort to eating such stuff. Sometimes once in a while, other times a few times a week! So no, our meals are not balanced nor healthy. There are even many meals where no vegetables or fruits appear!


Well, the intention is always there – as with all other good intentions. But – life happens! 🙂 When I am not nauseous and pregnant, I follow a menu plan. But even then, sometimes we go off-track. Either due to pure laziness or sheer exhaustion.

Other reasons (excuses?!) include mom falling sick, or we have an extremely cranky baby or we go for an outing leaves mom more tired than she expected and so, the menu plan is put aside and we eat whatever is fast and easy to prepare.

Don’t get me wrong, I would love to cook and eat healthy but I am realistic that in this phase of my life with many young children under my care, practicality wins over idealism – all the time!

And I just refuse to be held hostage by someone else’s view that food must consist of x, y, z and must be always made from scratch and be organic and wholesome. I try my best and I trust that God will fill in the gap for me. I am not a superwoman and can’t do everything. Or rather, I choose not to be superwoman as I believe that if I choose to go that route, I am only going to end up stressing myself and my family.

If this helps alleviate some guilt off you, I’m glad. Please, I am not saying that you should not eat healthily, ok? I am saying we don’t always eat what is healthy. We try to most of the time. And by eating in most of the time, I guess we are already healthier than those who dine out all the time?!

If you can, and love preparing all those healthy, balanced meals for your family, great! Perhaps you can send some over next time? 🙂 But if you are burdened by guilt that you are an awful mom just because you feed your children frozen food, I am here to tell you, it’s ok. Once this phase passes, you can start cooking healthily again.

And psst…our children don’t eat vegetables! Yes, you read that right. So if you are wondering how to get your children to eat more vegetables, please don’t ask me! Lol! Look – I choose my battles and there are many battles to fight 🙂 And eating vegetables is not one of them at this point in my life. It will be soon – just not now.

Check out the rest of the other myths HERE.

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