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Decluttering is a necessary evil

Constant decluttering

It needs to be done on a regular basis or stuff will just build up and before you know it, the house has become hard to manage because there are piles of stuff everywhere. I like to declutter our home during our year end school break because I get 2 weeks off then rather than before Chinese New Year, which is when most people do a deep clean. So a recent round was done during the last week of December and I managed to get rid of books and toys and some clothes.

I am totally ruthless when I declutter and my family will attest to that. I can’t get too sentimental because space is a premium when you have 9 people living in an HDB flat.

Decluttering help

I am a all-or-nothing kind of gal so I like to set aside a specific days (minimum 2 days) or a week and spend that entire time doing nothing but decluttering. But some prefer to do so in small snippets of time.

This is when an online resource like what is offered by Home Storage Solutions will be of help. It breaks down the steps for you so those who have not done this will not feel too overwhelmed. You just spend 15 minutes a day and then move on. It is a bit like Flylady.

Do what you are comfortable with (push through and declutter in a week or spread it out over a year), but I strongly recommend that you do it. Your home will be a much more peaceful and calm place.

Decluttering help for 2017


Time to declutter again
Decluttering the Playroom
No, I don’t need a larger house
Staying on Top of Clutter


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