Slow, small and steady steps help you achieve your goals

Take Slow, Small, and Steady Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Why do so many people fail at their New Year resolutions? It is because the steps required to achieve their goals is unsustainable in the long run. In other words, they couldn’t keep up with the changes. They are over-ambitious and set up overly big goals that require too many changes to happen to get there. I say, “slow, small, and steady steps wins the race.” Read more…. Read more…

Gadgets: Boon or Bane?

Gadgets – Boon or Bane?

It is 2018. Man has developed and is continuing to develop more and more gadgets to help us save time and energy, especially while doing household chores. But, are gadgets a boon or a bane in our modern lifestyle? No wonder the fear of being taken over by robots is real! Read more…

Happy Chinese New Year of the Dog!

Chinese New Year – Then & Now

How we celebrated Chinese New Year as children influences how we celebrate and view it as adults. Certain traditions associated with it fill us with joy and anticipation, while others fill us with dread. Our childhood experiences affect our decision to carry on or ditch those traditions in our own families. Read more…

Parenting Teens requires us to pray without ceasing

Parenting Teens – Pray Without Ceasing

The teen years is an unpredictable season. One moment you think you have it nailed and the next you feel like an absolute failure.
And because what “works” today may not the next, I don’t think it is responsible of me to share it as if it is even a solution. It could very well have been a fluke shot. So how now? Read more …. Read more…

Do we still need a Titus 2 woman in our life?

Do We Still Need a Titus 2 Woman?

We are living in the 21st Century. Do we still need a Titus 2 Woman in our lives? In this day where any information can easily be had in one click, it may seem that there is no longer a need for a Titus 2 Woman in our lives. But I beg to differ. Sure we can get information easily now. But there is nothing like a **real-life** person you can share life with. Read more…

Choosing to praise God In Spite Of Myself

Book Review: In Spite of Myself by Katie Hornor

God always uses our pain and trials not just to mould us but to help us help others. So, out of Katie Horner’s pain came her book, In Spite of Myself, a 4-week Bible Study to guide us on how to intentionally chose praise in all situations. She used the pain she walked through and the lessons she faced to share how we all can see God in everything we go through.  Read more…

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