Setting up a laundry system for your clothes can be simple or complicated. It all depends on how particular one is about cleanliness and hygiene with regards to clothes. Read more…

Encouragement and Support for Christian Stay-at-Home Mothers
Setting up a laundry system for your clothes can be simple or complicated. It all depends on how particular one is about cleanliness and hygiene with regards to clothes. Read more…
Setting up a meal planning system is a pain in the you-know-where. But in the long run, it reduces decision fatigue, saves money and is healthier for us. Read more…
Setting up systems for homeschooling and our home is helpful as it gets everyone doing things systematically. This way we don’t end up doing unnecessary work or we miss out what needs to be done. Read more…
Like all the routines I have written about, the main benefit of setting up a homeschool routine is that the child (and you) know exactly what to expect of their day, even if each day is different from the next, reducing the battle of wills. Read more…
The secret to having a successful day starts the night before. Yes, you need to set up an evening routine so that you don’t waste your morning routine. Crazy huh? But it works! Read more…
Day 12 of #Write28Days Challenge Yesterday, we set up our morning routine so that we know exactly what we need to do when we wake up instead of wasting our time pottering around. Today, I am writing about midday routines and naps and how they can help our homeschooling and housework chores. Of Midday Routines […] Read more…
Setting up a morning routine is very useful when you have young children. By establishing a morning routine for the children (and ourselves), we remove many unnecessary battles with the children because everyone knows what to expect there is way less friction. Read more…
The path of least resistance to getting everyone doing their household chores and homeschooling lessons is to set up schedules and routines for the family. This is especially helpful when the children are young. Read more…
While we definitely do not homeschool on Sundays, do we also do no housework on Sundays? Is that possible with a family of 9? Or is that only a dream to be had? Read more…
Do you ever wonder what are the basic tools for housework? I do!
I see many gadgets available nowadays and I wonder if I need them all. Perhaps something which can make my job easier? Read more…