How should we discipline our children?


Discipline is a tricky subject. Even within the Christian circles. But 2 principles remain : start as early as possible and be consistent. With all my children, I have noticed that when I am consistent ALL the time, they learn very fast to heed my instructions. but be prepared that at the beginning stage, the child will keep testing us. Stay firm! Read more…

Organising Your Kitchen

A Place for Everything and Everything In Its Place is a mantra that most home makers are familiar with and if you are not, you should be! It is the key to organisation!This is helpful whether you are looking at organising your Living Room or your Kitchen. In our home, my kitchen is actually the […] Read more…

How To Get More Done In A Day

There are two little known and highly unpopular secrets to getting more done in a day for SAHMs! 1. Stay at home more than going out! 2. Self-Discipline No kidding! Now you know why I say they are highly unpopular tips? I have learnt in the past 8 years of being a wife, mother, housekeeper, […] Read more…

My Nesting Instinct

Everytime we are blessed with a child, our home gets a revamp.Once the 1st trimester blahs go away, my new burst of energy almost always leads to the re-organising and de-cluttering of the home. This nesting mode often makes my dh very wary since he is the one who has to haul the furniture around […] Read more…

Having A Routine Helps

Our home tends to run like clockwork here, much to the horror of those who prefer a free and spontaneous lifestyle! Now, if you are happy having each day surprise you, do not read today’s posting! But if you are wondering how to bring organisation to chaos, read on and see if what helps me […] Read more…

It's time to declutter again!

Time To De-Clutter Again!

With a larger than normal family size, space is a premium product in this house! Many friends have commented that our house is large by average standards. Yes it is, but we do not have an average-sized family. So we still need to de-clutter again and again to ensure that it is a liveable space not a cramped one.  Read more…

Planning ahead eliminates the dreaded "So what's for dinner?" question.

So What Is For Dinner?

Do you get variation of this question daily? “Mama, what’s for dinner?” “Mama, what are you cooking for lunch?” Food, a major preoccupation with Singaporeans and a touchy topic with parents – always concerned about the amount their children are eating or not eating. Many days I wish we didn’t have to eat. Just pop […] Read more…

Want to have more time? Do housework while the children are awake.

When Does The Housework Get Done?

I learnt very early on that if I would like to rest (and I do need rest to function), I would need to do housework while the children are awake and not while they are sleeping. If I were to only do housework when they are asleep, either nap or bedtime, I’d never get the […] Read more…

I did not start out wanting to homeschool. What changed our minds? Why do we homeschool now?

Why Do We Homeschool?

Are we homeschooling because we believe that we can do a better job than the brand name schools under the Ministry of Education? No. It isn’t also because we are more spiritual. Or that we want to shelter the children from the big, bad world. Not at all. Far from it. We are merely obeying God’s call. Remembering that “To obey is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22 Read more…

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