According to BabyCenter, Braxton Hicks contractions (BH) start as early as 6weeks but most moms don’t feel them till much later.Let me tell you that as a mom of many, I do feel them that early! And it always amazes me since the uterus is barely grown at that stage. But yep. I feel them alright. Sporadic but it’s there!
At 15 weeks now, I feel them more. Especially after a long tiring day.
As a first time mom more than 10 years ago, I never experienced any BH. So when I had some contractions, I immediately thought that that was it! I was in labour! In hindsight, that was probably not true labour. And if I had avoided being so kan cheong*, I would have had a much more pleasant birth experience!
I read also that being dehydrated causes one to have more BH. But I drink lots of water throughout the day so I guess that doesn’t apply to me. It doesn’t bother me at this stage but it does get uncomfortable in the later stages especially when I have to carry a toddler up and down the stairs!
A funny – the under the belly style of maternity denim jeans triggers BH for me! Lol! So I have to avoid that style, especially in the 3rd trimester.
* kan cheong – Cantonese for being panicky and impatient