Week 30
I have been trawling the net for unplanned, unassisted birth stories (I’ll tell you why in a moment). And I have been struck by the amount of stories and videos I have found. They are awesome. The ladies are very brave to put up their birthing videos on the net! I learnt a lot from just watching but yikes! I certainly wouldn’t want to post me birthing my babies for the whole world to see. Kudos to these moms!
Why, oh why are they all the stories tinged with new age elements? Stuff like hypnobirthing, calling the placenta “mother placenta” (?!), and even orgasmic birthing?!?!?!?! Oh me, oh my!
I find it so sad that a strictly Christian perspective is so lacking. The only one I have found is Christian UC but even then…………..
In the stories I have read, the ladies have experienced birth the way our God has intended but instead of giving glory to Him, they are acknowledging another god, another force. It shouldn’t be this way. It is God who created our bodies to bear and to birth and to nurse the babies He has blessed us with. If we work with His design and not in fear, we should all be able to experience a natural, if not a supernatural and pain-free birth.
But sadly most women, even Christian women, do not experience birth that way. Instead labour and birth are viewed with dread and terror, something to be gotten over and done with so that we can get to hold the baby.
It need not be that way. Really. Do read my birth stories and I pray you’ll be blessed by them. I cannot go through this detailed teaching in a single posting (that’s why we hold Experiencing God In Pregnancy talks) but there are 2 main things :
a) In the spiritual, believe that you have been redeemed from the curse and
b) In the practical, read and prepare yourself to know what and how natural labour and delivery should be. A good book to start you off is “Supernatural Childbirth”.
Why search for unplanned, unassisted birth stories?
And if you are wondering WHY I am looking for unplanned, unassisted birth stories…well, if you read my last Birth Story, you’d know that the baby came real fast once labour was established. I just want to be prepared should we be unable to make it in time for the hospital this time round. I know 2 ladies who had their babies at home due to the speed at which the babies decided to make their appearances. I do not have a doula so I need to be prepared myself. And also to prepare dh should he be required to catch the baby .
My sil (Henson’s sister) who had planned a homebirth for her 3rd baby (in the UK) had to summon her dh to catch the baby coz the baby just decided to come out real fast. The midwives came only about 10 minutes after everything was completed. So, one never knows. And I’d rather be prepared than to be an ostrich and say it’d never happen to me.
And no, I would not want to check myself into the hospital early at all! It is just not comfortable. Period. I like labouring at home with absolutely no pressure and I prefer being away from the other children as little as possible.
How about just have a homebirth? Well, my dr is not for it. I asked him twice before And I am not about to fight him about it. So my grand plan is to have the baby at the hospital but to be prepared just in case. Although it would really be nice to have the baby in the calmness of our home, Hmm…………
Pray with me “not my will but His be done”!
check out http://www.birthjunkie.com/ Christian mom of many hosts a forum about UC. lots of stories, info, book recommendations, etc
First, I’m Christian, and I stumbled upon this blog.
I believe that the one thing that separates Christians from ‘the rest of the world’ is we believe that we belong to God, and that because He loved us first, it is our commandment to love Him and uphold all things that are dear to Him.
In my study of the bible, God calls upon us to love our neighbours. I take this to believe that God doesn’t want us to be excluvists. Why is ‘being new agey’ so bad? Is it because something that we believe is sanctioned by God first has now been claimed by people who don’t believe in our version of God. God has called us not to judge. For someone who is homeschooling her own kids, I pray that You will learn to be less judgemental and stop writing posts like this that say bad things of people who have yet to believe.
I am sorry that you chose to take away a message from the post that was not there. I was merely making a comment about how the childbirth is now cloaked in a mystical cloud by New Agers. And in case you are checking back for my reply, here goes. New Age is bad simply because it does not acknowledge that there is only ONE God whom you can only go to, through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).
God says in the Bible that one who does not acknowledge God is a fool. (Ps53:1)
And sorry again but Christianity IS exclusive. See The Exclusiveness of Christianity.