As the Gregorian calendar draws to a close sooner rather than later, it is time to review, reflect and refine the goals and resolutions we set up at the beginning of the year before setting new ones for the new year.

How Did We Do?
Have we done what we said we’d do this year? Are we able to look back at our goals or resolutions set up in January and tick all or most of them off?
Or has it been just another wasted year? I pray not. It is not too late to finish well. We may not be able to tick them off this year, but we can refine them for next year.
Let’s Pause A While
This is a good time to pause.
Take some time to review and reflect on goals we set up, and analyse why they did or did not happen. For the goals that we did not achieve, to ask ourselves if they are still worthy of pursuit. If they are, then now is the time to refine our plans and goals.
I have read many posts and articles about how to make New Year’s resolutions stick. I have even read Jon Acuff’s book, Finish, on completing our goals. The principle is always the same. The doing, as usual, is the hard part.
Review, Reflect, Refine
So, what do all these “experts” say? They tell us that we have to start by reviewing the year, and reflecting on what went well and what went wrong.
Then we refine our goals and break them down into smaller steps. And then we just do it.
Simple? Yes. Easy? Nope!
Here is a very brief summary for those of us who don’t want to or don’t have the time to read all the books and watch all the YouTube videos.

We need to look back and review what happened in the past year. This should be easy to do if you keep a planner or a diary. You can list down the various events that happened throughout the year in your personal, faith, work and social life. Or any other category you want to assess on. For me, I need to review, reflect and refine our homeschooling life.
If you do not have any written records then you will have to think a little harder.
Then, as you look through your list and reflect, indicate in the columns “What Went Well” and “What Went Wrong” and ask yourself, “Why did it go well?” or “Why did it not go well?”
Be honest.
For example: your goal was to lose weight. And you did! You succeeded this time compared to the previous times because this time, you paid money to attend a Zumba class twice a week. And now you learnt that you need an external motivator to get you to succeed. So the next time you set a goal, you need to find someone or some way to keep you accountable.
Here is where I present you with the “usual way” and then offer you the “God way”.
(a) Refinement of Plans – the Practical Way
This is the “usual way” and there is nothing wrong with it.
As we look ahead to the new year, we look at our current year’s goals list and ask ourselves if there are any goals from this list that we still want to work on in the new year. But do they need to be refined? We then refine it to the best of our abilities and add on other goals.
(b) Refinement of Plans – the God Way
But let me offer you another way.
Instead of the above, we lay ourselves before the Lord, give thanks for all that had happened and ask Him to show us how we can improve ourselves (be refined) to fulfil His call on our lives. And then, we make goals that will bring us closer to fulfilling this call.

In other words, we do not just bring our goals and ask Him to refine them. But we bring ourselves and ask Him to refine us so that our goals automatically get refined and aligned with His will and kingdom purposes.
I am obviously recommending that we do (b). But I also know that it will be at the very least, uncomfortable, and at its worst, painful.
Because being refined is like being pruned ie PAINFUL. And yet, without it, we cannot move on. We cannot grow. We will be stuck in our old ways. It is like what Marshall Goldsmith said in his book for workplace success which we can apply to our spiritual growth –
What Got You Here Will Not Get You There.
Marshall Goldsmith
We need to grow, we need to improve, we need to be more and more like Jesus. And this cannot be done by just maintaining the status quo, doing the same old, same old.
And I believe that when we sincerely seek His face, the results will be life-changing. Maybe we won’t see it immediately, but it will be. Because submitting to God, and allowing Him to refine us and our goals will always be a beautiful thing in the end.
He is the potter and we are the clay. When we submit to His will, He can then mould us into what we are to be, not what we strive to be.
Start Reviewing and Reflecting Now
We should not rush through this process and hence I am recommending that we set aside some time to reflect and review the year that has gone by now and not a few days before the new year rolls around.
Besides, most of us don’t obey the Lord immediately. So by starting now, we give ourselves some time to move in obedience.
And then, we are better prepared to face the year ahead, come what may.
May your plans and mine in the year ahead glorify God always.

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Preparing for the New Year
Hi Serene,
Wonderful post! I was especially struck by your reminder that we need to grow, improve, to become more like Jesus and not be same old same old. I’ve been giving much thought along these lines recently too. It’s easy as we grow older to just become hardened or complacent about our own growth…but that’s missing out on much that God has in store for us 🙂
Thank you Jillyn for your kind words!