I learnt early on that life in a large family with no extra help, requires having systems in place. Systems make all the difference. They are what what makes or breaks the running of the household.
SYSTEMS MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE is part of the Write 31 Day 2017 Challenge.
Once set up and adhered to at least 80% of the time, we could all cruise along. The house was mostly clean, we had clean clothes to wear and decent meals to eat. But when I get lazy and do not police the system, it all falls apart and I am the headless chicken running around.
Back then…
When I had one and even up to three two children, housework was done in a rather haphazard way and I had a lady who came in once a week to help me do the deep cleaning and ironing. So, I could get away with not having any system.
But after she left and I decided to carry on without her, I had to set up systems to make things work. And I learnt the hard way that if I don’t follow my own systems, I would have pay for it big time because the work just piles up. After all, without a helper, there is basically no one else to pick up the slack. As my husband used to say all the time – if it is not you, it is me.

What Systems?
But what are these systems and how exactly do I set them up and make them work? I share how my three main systems keep us all on track in Setting Up Systems to Beat the Overwhelm. The post covers our Food System, Household Chores System and Homeschooling System. I also share how things have changed from the early days as compared to today when my children are much older and more helpful.
More mess? More Help Too!
Yes, a large family creates more mess than a small one. A large homeschooling family creates even more mess than you can ever imagine. But a large family also has more hands to help out.
Many hands make light work as the saying goes. If we all chip in and help, the house does not need much effort to maintain. The key is to train our children to be helpers, not just creators of mess!
Setting Up Systems to Beat the Overwhelm
Yes, You Can Do It!
Struggling with Housework?
Too Overwhelmed to Shower?
I am saving this post to take notes later, being new I need all the help I can get with systems for homeschooling!
Hi Rachel! I think I have scheduled Homeschooling posts for the 31 Day Challenge to be on Wednesdays. Keep a lookout for them then! I am going to pop over to your blog after I publish today’s post!