
Slow, small and steady steps help you achieve your goals

Take Slow, Small, and Steady Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Why do so many people fail at their New Year resolutions? It is because the steps required to achieve their goals is unsustainable in the long run. In other words, they couldn’t keep up with the changes. They are over-ambitious and set up overly big goals that require too many changes to happen to get there. I say, “slow, small, and steady steps wins the race.” Read more…. Read more…

When asked about discipline

I’ve always said right in the beginning that DisciplineĀ is a very sensitive subject. So whenever I am asked about what we do and use as disciplinary methods/tools. I always hesitate to share especially if I know the parents are young, educated and all into attachment parenting which most modern parents are šŸ˜‰ Why? Because weĀ spank. […] Read more…