
Parent in Faith Not Fear

Parent In Faith Not Fear

How can we parent in faith not fear when the world seems bent on attacking our children? The evil one is very busy and seems to be on a roll these days, aided by the world wide web, trying to get our children every which way he can. And because it gets really overwhelming, it is really easy to slip into parenting from fear and not faith. How can we not do that?  Read more…

Parenting Teens requires us to pray without ceasing

Parenting Teens – Pray Without Ceasing

The teen years is an unpredictable season. One moment you think you have it nailed and the next you feel like an absolute failure.
And because what “works” today may not the next, I don’t think it is responsible of me to share it as if it is even a solution. It could very well have been a fluke shot. So how now? Read more …. Read more…

Slaying the eczema monster

Some days I really think that eczema is like the Hydra monster of Greek and Roman myths. It seems unslayable! Every time we attack and subdue it, it reappears somewhere else! Or suddenly appear in a more extreme form. For example, sufferers and caregivers of sufferers who are observant would have noticed that when skin issues abates […] Read more…

PSLE round 3. This will be our 3rd encounter with PSLE in 5 years!

PSLE Round 3

PSLE Round 3. While academics isn’t everything, it is important to our family. I ain’t no tiger mom but if you can get 100 in an exam and scored only 80 then you have done yourself a disservice. You have wasted your potential. But if your best is a 60 and you got 55, that’s a fantastic job! So that’s where I am coming from. Do your best. Read more…

The urgency of the times

So the first of the Blood Moons* have come and gone and everyone is waiting with abated breath to see whether the something major that is going to happen is really going to happen from now till 28th September 2015 😛 Whether you believe that the Blood Moons are a sign of Jesus coming for […] Read more…

For PSLE preparations, I believe in the slow and steady wins the race philosophy. Consistent and regular work wins the day.

PSLE Preparations

My motto for our homeschooling journey has always been, “Slow and steady wins the race”. Work done consistently and regularly is better than huge chunks of work done sporadically. This is also why we do not follow the public school’s calendar, preferring to school all year round with a 6 weeks on and 1 week off schedule. Read more…