Toilet training is not one of my favourite things to do as a parent. It is something I would gladly pay someone else to do it 🙂
But there you go, our 7th child seems to have been completely toilet trained, day and night. But there are of course still accidents. Especially when she is engrossed in playing.
For the nights if she manages to go before she sleeps she will stay dry but sometimes she will insist that she has “nothing” when I make her go before bedtime and then invariable she will have an accident sometime in the middle of the night 🙁 So our trusty waterproof sheet that has lasted dunno how many children is now being used on her bed.
But I must say that sometimes when we are out at places where the public toilets are really really gross I wish she was back in diapers! Amazingly though she is still able to go 🙂
I was really reluctant to toilet train her coz of the bad eczema rash on my hand. The thought of wiping up, washing up numerous times throughout the day was enough to make me cringe in pain. But I gritted my teeth and got down to it and I almost immediately wanted to give up. I remember sms-ing a friend in frustration that she just ain’t getting it. She was peeing on the floor every. single. time! Yes, the whole day and night. Thank God she didn’t do her big business that day!
I told myself to try it for 3 days at least.
On Day 2 she did the same till after her nap. When she woke up, I immediately plonked her down in the potty and she went. That did it. Everything connected and from then on, she would tell me when she wanted to go. She even did her big business all by herself! Don’t ask me how. She must have felt the urge, went to the potty, pulled down her pants and panties and did it. She then hollered for me to come wipe her! Amazing, eh?
Since then we have had a few accidents of course and once even at Popular Bookstore! So now I am still carrying a packet of wipes, a towel and a change of clothes and panties when we go out – just in case 😀
Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
WOW.. I must admit..I’m very terrified of toilet training..