Feeling too overwhelmed hits us every now and then. I totally get it. It could be due to a sudden change in circumstances. It could be due to money woes or even hormonal changes. This post is specifically for new mothers and mothers with high need babies.
How Overwhelmed Have You Been?
Just this week, I was as usual listening to a podcast while going about my chores. This time I was putting away groceries and prepping for dinner. The podcast host was talking about overwhelmed mothers and she mentioned a lady who wrote in to say that she was so overwhelmed that she hadn’t showered in a week!
Granted they live in a cool and dry climate but still …. not shower for a week? And not by choice because some people choose not to shower because of illness. But because she was just too overwhelmed.
Are You Too Overwhelmed to Shower Too?
Have you ever gotten that overwhelmed? Unless you are dealing with an extremely ill child, it should not be like that on a daily affair.
Yes, I understand that it is very stressful to take a shower when you have a baby wailing in the background and a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. I have lived through that. But that is not the norm. It happens once in a while. Life shouldn’t be that stressful that you cannot even squeeze in a 5 or 10 minute shower.
A shower does wonders for me. I had 6 out of 7 babies who regurgitated A LOT. Read : SMELLY rancid milk odours! Plus, I nurse my babies. I constantly smelt of milk. And sweat. I perspired A LOT after giving birth. Must be all that water that just needs to be eliminated?! Anyway, I needed to shower at least twice a day, if not more. I just felt awfully grimy with different kinds of bodily fluids on me.
Just Go Take a Shower
Do you feel the same? Just go and take a shower. Make sure the child or children are in a safe place, then have a quick shower. I guarantee you that you will feel much better after that. In our hot and humid climate, a nice cool shower can often take the edge off the tension you feel.
Yes, sometimes you will have to shower with the child wailing in the background. Do it anyway.
But How?

If you struggle with finding time to have a shower but want to get out of this rut, here are some things that have worked for me :
1. Have a Low Maintenance Hairstyle
Seriously. A short bob is good. It is stylish and chic. Best of all, it is low maintenance. If you really like long hair, tell yourself that it is only for a season. Hair WILL grow out. 🙂
A low maintenance hair style means you can wash your hair and shower yourself in 10 minutes or less. It also means getting ready to go out of the house takes almost no time.
2. Learn to Shower Faster
One of my children needs to learn this too! I learnt to shower real fast with a crying baby in the background. Many times, I had no one to watch over the fussy baby when I really, really needed to shower. I would put the baby down in her cot, run into the shower and be out in less than 10 minutes. Hair washed and towelled dry.
3. Create a Safe Place for Baby

If you have low maintenance hair and have learnt to shower in 10 minutes or less, you will still need a safe place to put your child in while you shower. When they are babies, their cots are very safe. When they are mobile, a play pen may be safer. In desperation, I have placed my child in a high chair just outside the shower stall. She could still see me and won’t wail because of separation anxiety.
4. Set Up Alone Playtime
As mentioned before, my children were taught and encouraged to play on their own, following the Eat-Play-Sleep routine of the Ezzos as babies If you have this setup, taking a 10-minute shower should not be a problem at all.
5. Set Up Routines and Systems
Yes, it is back to this again. Setting up Routines and Systems are my lifesaver. The Alone Playtime happens at around the same time each day. Which was after lunch. Both baby and I know to expect it then. If I really needed to shower then I knew how long I had to hold out for before I could. Baby is also not upset when I place her in her cot for her playtime because that is our daily routine.
Press On!
Take heart. This season will not last forever. And if you implement the above, showering daily should not be a monumental achievement but a daily non-event.
In fact, implementing #3, #4 and #5, can allow you to eat and/or meal prep in peace. No need to worry about baby’s safety.
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